Financial Markets Authority No. FSP 485827
Paul King MSc, BHSc(hons), BSc, GCertBHSc, MNZPsS
Financial Advice Provider
owner operator
Auckland Financial is a unique independent boutique financial advice service.
Independence, but having access to the same research and investment and insurance solutions as bigger corporate operations, has distinct advantages for clients. There are no sales targets, no commission or incentive based conflicts of interest. Clients are not part of a big 'machine'.
Auckland Financial is most suitable for business owners, professionals, directors, management level employees and those seeking investment and savings advice, including KiwiSaver.
Financial Adviser Paul King was first UK licensed in 1988 and has the highest qualifications for an adviser in New Zealand. Clients come to Paul because they want an experienced and properly qualified person to talk to about their financial situation, are looking for independent counsel, and want to pay a fee rather being shoe-horned into buying something. They want to understand, feel that things are under control, they're doing the right things and can ask whatever they like without the answer being 'ah ha, you need to buy 'this''...
"I believe many people are put off talking to financial advisers because they don't like the awkward feeling of being manipulated into a sales situation"
Advice is available, irrespective of existing arrangements, for any insurance (life, income of health), investment, savings, kiwiSaver, lending, debt, capital purchase or budgeting/ spending situation.
About Paul King
Paul is originally from the UK and came to New Zealand in 2007 where he fronted the launch of the ASB KiwiSaver. He has been involved in financial services since 1988 during which time he has been both an adviser and worked in senior roles for providers of investment and insurance solutions and services from a small specialist stockbroker to multi-national corporations.
Most advisers will insist that they ‘put the client first’ but Paul has taken this to extremes by resisting the very high sales related commissions and fees available in New Zealand and providing a fee based service for his clients saving them many thousands of dollars. He refuses to be party to any sales based rewards programmes and does not accept corporate gifts like tickets to sporting events or ‘nights out’. His independence and lack of conflicts of interests sets him apart.
“most people believe that the sales commissions and fees advisers get paid are unavoidable, that’s not true. It’s possible for every adviser reduce these to benefit their clients almost all of them don’t even discuss this as an option. This means clients pay way more than they need to for the same solutions and the only person that benefits is the adviser.”
Paul is more than an adviser having trained as a psychologist and is currently researching for an MSc leading to a PhD. He also has a BSc in applied chemistry. He is a member of the scholarly peer nominated New Zealand Psychological Society and American Psychological Association. Paul also holds Chartered Insurance Institute financial planning certificates I, II & II and the NZ2315 New Zealand Certificate in Financial Services (Level 5).
Other related business and voluntary interests include being a personal coach to Massey University MBA, MBNA and MALP students and a personal and leadership coach to business owners and leaders. He has also been a volunteer business mentor to many SMEs and sole owners since 2012. He also provides financial counselling for employees for a leading EAP provider. He and a colleague (a clinical psychologist) also provide a service for families experiencing difficulties with sudden, rapid or intergenerational wealth.
Personally, Paul is a musician and artist (with camera and oil paint), keen (occasional these days) cricketer, and former Aikidoka, who works from the lifestyle block he and his wife have in rural NW Auckland (there is no need for a swanky office to give the best advice, it just adds costs that clients would be expected to cover!).
About fees vs. commission
There is commonly held but false belief that financial advice is 'free' and all paid for by insurance companies and or lenders. Also, that fee-based means a % of funds 'under management' in respect of investment advice. Also, that 'fees' are more expensive and somehow 'extra'. None of these things are immutably true.
Commission is built in to the cost of 'standard' insurance premiums and can be discounted, saving $thousands in premiums over time. Commission is also built into the cost of lending and removes your bargaining power. The standard investment fee charged by financial advisers, the money that goes to them, is between 0.75% and 1% of funds invested per annum on top of fund management fees and platform charges. That's between $750 and $1,000 a year per %100k invested, every year. This does not need to be the case.
I offer clients a choice, this either an hourly fee of typically $250ph or a fixed fee agreed in advance, or a hybrid of standard or discounted commission. I compare standard fees and commissions with the alternatives and between us we agree what is most cost effective. There is no need to pay standard commissions and standard rates. Advisers, in my opinion, would explain this and offer a choice.
Services: Advice is available on all aspects of financial planning. New investment or KiwiSaver (including switches) advice can include the use of publicly accessible platforms such as investnow.co.nz or, via an agency with platform provider Consilium. New arrangements for insurance (life, income or health) are placed with agencies with three providers based on: financial strength, claims history, product suite, and underwriting capability and flexibility. New arrangements for loans of mortgages are not provided, but coaching for negotiating with bank lenders is. Fire and General insurance and specific personal or company tax advice is not provided.
Fees: advice fees charged are $250ph or a fixed fee agreed in advance. There is a fee-free 1/2 allowed for all new potential clients. All charges and fees applicable to any new financial products which may subsequently be required will be disclosed and agreed prior to implementation. Auckland Financial is focused upon providing the very best independent advice and information, without conflict of interest or expectation of financial benefit from sale of reward.
Conflicts of interest: There are no conflicts of interest and fewer possible areas of conflict because Auckland Financial is not a commission or % charge reliant business. Since inception as an Authorised Financial Adviser under the pre-15th March 2021 financial services advice legislation, Paul King has refused to take part in any incentive programme nor accept any gifts in lieu of recognition or favour.
Complaints handling: Auckland Financial operates a complaints handling service which first involves resolution of any issues clients may have. In the event where a client is not satisfied Auckland Financial is part of an independent complaints dispute resolution service which is available at no cost to clients. There is then recourse for clients to take complaints to the Financial Markets Authority and of course any other legal remedies they see fit, at their own cost.
Disciplinary history and convictions or other proceedings: No disciplinary, convictions or other proceedings have taken place with respect to Auckland Financial or Paul King, neither are any in train or pending.
Bankruptcy proceedings: No bankruptcy proceedings are or have been in place against Auckland Financial or Paul King.
If you'd like me to get in touch, please send me your name and email address